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Monday, October 25, 2010

How To Put Lipstick on a Pit Bull

When I heard the, now famous, lipstick quote during the 2008 election I knew that I had to make a poster of my buddy Mr. Bones who lived across the street from the studio.  Perhaps, if Sarah Palin knew Bonesy she would have picked a different animal to put lipstick on.  I think he would have actually let me put the lipstick on him for this picture, but it is someone else's lip you're seeing.  Want to see what it took to get this shot?

First thing you need to do is make your list.  Let's see, we'll need a pit bull, lips or lipstick, lights, camera, assistant, black backdrop, chew bones, and patience, lots of patience.  I made arrangements with Mr. Bones' Mom for him to come over and play at the studio.  We arranged the date and time and she made sure that he had some exercise prior to his studio time.  I've worked with a lot of dogs and one of the keys to getting cooperation is exercise (for the dog, you'll get plenty during the shoot).

We'd take care of the lips later.  I can see the casting call now, "Model with Pit Bull lips needed", or, "If you have the lips of a Pit Bull we need you".  Fortunately, I had an inventory of images to go through to find the right model.  Won't she be excited when she gets the call, "Congratulations, we have a modeling job for you.  We're going to put your lips on a Pit Bull".  Of course, when you add that it will be for a Sarah Palin poster she doesn't feel quite so bad.  Can't you just hear her boasting at a party, "Those are my lips on that Pit Bull, nooo, I didn't have to kiss him".

The big day was at hand.  The studio was all set, camera batteries charged, lights set up, exposure calculated, backdrop in place.  Let's just hope Bonesy doesn't knock over the lights.  Envisioning the shot you want is a big key in this type of shoot.  Getting the dog to give you that look is another matter entirely.  Sometimes, you have to trick your models to get them to give you the shot you're after.  That's why I had the chew bones.

Dogs as models present some challenges.  Tyler and Tasha are exceptions, of course.  They are professionals and know when it is time for work and what is expected of them.  One of the things that make them so special as models, aside from being exceptionally good looking, is that they know when to keep their tongues in their mouthes.  Dogs pant to control body temperature, so make the place too hot.  Also, chewing on the bones will make them thirsty.  Getting a dog to shut its' mouth can be a bit of a challenge.  Teasing them with a biscuit can help.
Ok, now you're ready.  You've got the dog prepped and calm, now for the right shot.

We'll pick it up here in Part II.  Let me know if you want a copy of the finished poster.  If you want to make sure that you don't miss any posts be sure to sign up as a follower.  Don't forget to check out the advertisers, they change regularly.

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