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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What is Your Security Blanket?

Tasha has this little grey cloth bone.  It used to have a working squeaker, but now it just makes a little popping sound.  It has been laundered about 18,235 times and each time she gets it back she has to roll all over it to get the proper smell back.  She's had it since she was a wee bitty puppy.

When she comes back in the house after being outside for awhile, especially if something upsetting occurred, the first thing she does is find her bone.  She then proceeds to walk all through the house with it in her mouth.  She isn't aggressive about it, but she lets you know that it's hers.  If Tyler picks it up she will run up to him and take it away, not nasty like, but, "That is MINE now give it to me".  As long as she has her bone then all is well with the world.

It got me to thinking.  What is my security bone? Is it a thing, a song, a place, a person, an activity, what?  I think we all have one, perhaps we just haven't given it much thought.  When life throws mud at you where do you go to wash up?  There is an old saying that says, "Music soothes the savage beast".  I know that when I have music on, whether I'm working, driving or just sitting around (that hasn't happened in awhile) I seem to be a bit calmer.

There is a sign on my desk.  I've had it since 1991.  There was a set of messages, but this is  the only one I've ever had in it.  It is about the size of a business card.  It's dark blue with gold lettering.  It is in an acrylic holder, a little block inside a frame that holds the card in place.  The message is, "Action Conquers Fear".  Don't sit there worrying, just do something. I've taken great solace in that little message over the years.  Sometimes we just have to get started to make something happen.

When I was younger I used to sit and contemplate the world.  We had an apple tree on the farm with some branches that formed a perfect cradle for my little body.  I would lay in that tree for hours thinking about whatever it is that 10 year old boys think about.  Other times I'd head off to the wilderness beyond the farm with my German Shepard, Jack.  We had a special place on a ridge by a big old oak tree where we would sit.  That's it, we'd just sit.  Occasionally, I'd make a comment, sometimes in the form of a question and I'd get that cocked head look that dogs give you that seems to say, "Gee, I never thought of it like that before".  Jack was a great conversationalist.  Sometimes, I think back to that time and place and it seems to quite things for a bit.

That security blanket can also be someone special in your life.  It's been a rough day, week, month and you're feeling really worn down.  Then you get one of those special hugs that make everything all right.  You know what I'm talking about.  Sometimes you want one so bad and the time isn't right and it hurts because you really need one.

There are elements of our life that we like to have in place that help with that peace project.  Right now, health insurance has been in the news alot and I think that it has caused people to fret.  What's going to happen?  What will I do?  My premium rates are going up now, what do I do?  These are valid worries.  We're going to see some significant premium increases coming over the next 6 -12 months.  There are things you can do now.  I added a link below to a site where you can get quotes on new types of coverage.  Check it out.  Get in touch with me if you have questions.

Let's go out there and find that people, place, dog, song, acitivity, smell or whatever that brings you peace.  Go there often and seek answers.

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